Meditation, a way to increase pleasure
Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool for increasing pleasure. Like our bodies, our minds need training too. Meditation helps the brain to be more focused and present in the moment, so we are better able to tune into our bodies and feel the physical sensations, resulting in heightened pleasure.
Meditation can increase sexual desire and arousal by reducing cortisol and adrenaline levels. High cortisol levels lead to stress and this can make it harder for women to orgasm and is linked to erectile dysfunctions. Think about it? Do you feel aroused when you are stressed out? Probably not.
This is a scientific explanation of how meditation supports the brain:
There are so many types of meditation, below are a few that I have experienced and I found useful.
1. Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness is being completely present in the current moment and aware of yourself and your breathing. Here is a short video explaining this type of meditation.
2. Guided Meditation
If you’re unsure where to start with meditation, guided meditation is a good choice. You could use apps like Healthy minds, or you could find guided meditations on YouTube. The guide will remind you to remain in the present moment and to draw your attention to the breath, mantra or visualisation. I love guided meditations before going to sleep, they are so relaxing that I sometimes fall asleep listening to them.
3.Walking Meditation
I first heard and practiced walking meditation on a retreat at a Buddhist Monastery. The nuns were going for a mindful walk twice a day to clear their minds and to connect with nature. A walking meditation is designed to bring body and mind in sync while we’re out and about. And if you rather not sit and close the eyes to meditate, this is a great alternative that still trains the mind in awareness.
This practice is all about being aware of our body and physical sensations as we move. Our eyes are open and our mind and body are rooted in the present. The lovely meditation master and peace promoter Thich Nhat Hanh offers a brief presentation of walking meditation in this short video where he says that as we walk, we should imagine that we “print peace, serenity and happiness on the ground.” To watch what walking meditation looks like, a monk and Buddhist teacher gives an easy-to-follow explanation in 10 minutes here.
4. Mantra Meditation
Mantra meditation is a type of focused attention technique that involves thinking or chanting about a specific word or phrase. As you meditate, aim to match the mantra to your breath.
The mantra can be for example ‘I am loved.’ As you breathe in, say to yourself, ‘I am,’ then exhale out as you say to yourself, ‘loved’. Whenever the monkey mind is starting to wander, gently guide your thoughts back to your breath and your mantra, carrying yourself back into the current moment once again, and again, and again.
I hope you will find the type of meditation that works for you and notice the benefits of it in your well being and your experience of pleasure.
Rosie x