Rosie Tantric

Massages & Rates



Erotic Tantric Massage

The erotic tantric massage is the ideal choice if you are looking to experience new pleasures which will take you into a place of relaxation and erotic ecstasy.

£170 for 60 min

£210 for 75 min

£240 for 90 min

During the massage we are both nude and you will lay back and feel the waves of pure bliss take over your mind and body. Using my erotic touch to caress every part of you and skillfully incorporating breath taking body slides, the experience is a physical reminder that pleasure is about the whole body. Calm, trust, relaxation, beauty, arousal, flow, harmony, connection and more ... here is a beautiful description of the session written by one of my lovely clients The experience

Aqua Ritual

This incredibly sensual session starts with a warm and relaxing bubble bath in an inviting setting complete with candles, flowers and soft music. This cleansing ritual uses the purity of water mixed with a variety of salts and bath oils to help relax the muscles and reach a more open state of mind. During this time I will slowly massage your body with my hands and the warm, slippery water to help you unwind and let go into a state of flow and relaxation. We will play in the bath for about 30 minutes and then continue with the erotic tantric massage.

£230 for 75 min

£260 for 90 min

£330 for 120 min

Tie & Tease Massage

A playful and exciting twist on authentic tantra, incorporating bondage, tie and tease and elements of light domination with erotic tantric massage.

This is an appealing option for those looking for a new experience or those who would like to completely surrender to my touch with trust. You will find that I am a natural at light domination and at the same time having a caring and gentle approach.

£210 for 75 min

£240 for 90 min

This session is only available for clients I have met at least once before

Extended Sessions

I have had some lovely evenings with some of my clients who like to experience something a little more special and allow them to further unwind from their day-to-day life.

£230 for 90 min

£300 for 120 min

£370 for 150 min

These longer sessions are set in my beautiful apartment and they allow us to get to know each other, have a chat and can incorporate a drink (or two!) and even some food before we start the massage. I enjoy these sessions as it allows us to get to know each other a little better as well as having the opportunity to talk about your interest in tantra or anything else you would like to share. Please feel free to bring your favourite wine, prosecco or champagne. The erotic tantric massage or aqua ritual massage will follow based on your choice.

If you would like to include an Aqua Ritual, there will be an extra £20 charge

Erotic Tantric Massage for Women

This is ideal for any women wishing to explore the pleasure their body is capable of or who are curious about the world of tantric massage.

During the session I will use my hands and body to caress you and, if you wish, may culminate with a sensual yoni massage. Happy to arrange a chat about your intention for the session or any questions you might have.


Erotic Tantric Massage


After giving and receiving tantric and erotic massages and participating to a series of workshops and training, I have developed my own unique and personal style of massage, which brings my own sensuality, personality and playfulness into the session and together with the tantric massage principles creates an intense and beautiful experience. I call my massage erotic tantric massage or sensual tantric massage to clarify it’s a blend between erotic and tantric massages.

It's easy to imagine what an erotic massage looks like (nudity, sensuality, lingam massage etc). Let's have a look what a tantric massage is too.

Tantric massage  is a unique and beautiful ritual originating in Indian tantra philosophy and principles and is becoming more and more popular everywhere in the world. It is an introduction into the world of  sensuality (feeling the world through the senses), genuine care and new discoveries of blissful sensations. It can be  a way  to fully give into the present moment and surrender in trust. You are there as a receiver, to receive pleasure.

Tantric massage uses a loving and caring touch full of presence and attention. Tantric massage is not about techniques (though there is a certain structure to follow) and predetermined result. Tantric massage is not about the goal, but about the experience itself with each and every touch and breath. In a tantric massage, the whole body gets attention, including the intimate parts (called in Sanskrit: lingam- for men and yoni- for ladies). 

A tantric massage creates an intimate mental, physical and emotional connection between the giver and the receiver. The intention of a tantric massage is to create space for the receiver to enter a natural, ecstatic state of being. The effect can be a beautiful physical and mental well-being where the receiver is very relaxed in a wonderful flow, a creative state of mind and loses track of the outside world.

Tantric Massage is a playful, sensual,  nurturing and relaxing  full body massage, which connects the mind, body, and emotions into harmony. Through conscious loving touch, the tantric massage ritual opens us to feel and love more, accessing deeper levels of pleasure and passion in our body.

Activating and freeing the flow of life energy (prana) is a big part of tantra massage. In tantra massage we play with the activation of basic/ sexual/ emotional/ passionate/ love/ creation/ intuitive energy and raise it from the lower chakra (intimate area) to higher chakras (especially the heart area) by upward moves. This can create a whole body orgasmic experience and also feelings of warmth and connection.

The tantra massage I offer is an intimate ritual  that brings together elements of authentic tantra and Swedish massage with my personal sensual approach, creativity and close attention to details which causes you not only to relax into the tantric massage but also get filled with peace, excitement, tenderness, life force and inspiration. The giver (me) is a sensitive guide who helps the receiver (you) to discover and further develop his or her own eroticism.

 The principles of tantric massage

Awareness- the giver tunes in with the receiver to offer what he/she needs at any time of the session. Breath and movement synchronise to create a flow, a beautiful and magical dance between the two.

Surrender- this principle is about letting go, emptying the mind and being in the body. I mean feeling the sensations in the body, rather than thinking. A deep level of trust is needed to completely surrender to my touch.

Transfiguration- is about seeing beyond the surface, beyond what we look like, what we do, age, background, religion etc. It’s about touching with love and care every inch of your body and honouring each person as unique and beautiful. Seeing the divine in each and every person.

Love- is the motivation to offer and to receive the massage.

Control – Authentic tantric massage is about the control of the sexual energy and its transformation. Through conscious and skilful touch and breath, the energy is raised from the sexual centre to higher chakras to be conserved and used for creativity or spiritual growth. (let me know if this is something you would like to practice).

I invite you to experience a tantric massage with me if you are looking for:

  • A new way to deeply relax

  • Peace and tranquillity that lasts after the session too

  • A full body experience

  • Reaching a state of absolute bliss

  • Closeness and kindness

  • Feeling new emotions in your body

  • Deep intimacy

  • Natural sensuality

  • Connection to a beautiful woman

  • A dedicated tantric masseuse

  • A professional and experienced tantric masseuse (My trainings)

  • A clean and welcoming environment

  • A beautiful memory from Manchester


Rosie x

PS: I would like to emphasise that, as Allan Watts talks about life as an analogy to dance in this video, the point of the erotic tantric massage is the massage, the experience itself, there is no goal, nothing to achieve and nothing to demonstrate for either of us.


A film I made last night based on my favourite quotes from Alan Watts about how the way of looking at your life as a journey can be the most destructive way. Please have a listen to his wise words.



My Temple


My beautiful tantric temple is only 5 minutes by car from Manchester city centre.

It is a stylish and modern private flat, easily accessible by car, public transport or walking if the weather permits. Address and directions will be given when the booking is made.

You will find my place always welcoming and warm, neat and comfortably arranged.

There is a magical aura of peace and tranquility in my apartment which will help you feel at ease the moment I open the door.

Soft music playing in the background, burning incense and dancing lights of candles will take away all the tension of the day and you will feel calm and relaxed even before I start touching you.

The massage room itself is spacious, romantically lit and warm, and that is even more important when the weather outside is wet and chilly as it usually is in Manchester! This room is also created for your comfort: the lights are dim, the scent of aroma candles and beautiful music are alluring and there are always fresh flowers.

The massage will take place on the bed because it gives us more room to move and it allows me to do sensual body slides. The bed is covered with fresh towels that I change after each client.

There are shower facilities with a variety of shower gels and fluffy towels that are waiting for you. 

Privacy and comfort play a vital role in sensual massage and I can guarantee you will have all that and an absolute confidentiality.

Looking forward to having you as a special guest in my home.


Rosie x





Please read my answers before getting in touch to book a massage. I am happy to answer any other questions you might have.

Is your service confidential and discrete?

Yes. Confidentiality and discretion are totally assured. I am also happy to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Is an appointment necessary?

Yes. I require at least one hour to prepare for a tantric massage session. Booking a few days in advance is always advisable. Please note I only see one or two clients a day and I take two days off a week, usually during the week. I don’t tend to update my website when I am on holiday, will get back to you when I am back.

Can I make any suggestions for the session?

Yes of course, as long as I am comfortable with your request. Please get in touch and we will discuss your ideas. Also, do let me know if there is something in particular you enjoy (e.g. your face being stroked, the feeling of my nails on your skin, the feeling of my feet massaging you, etc.). The same goes if there is something you are less keen on. This will allow me to incorporate what you like in my massage and offer you the best experience. I am also open to music suggestions; I have Spotify so we can play something you like. You can text me before the massage or let me know when we meet.

Can you do an Outcall – visit me at my hotel?

In order for me to create the right environment and offer you the best experience I only provide incall services. I take great care and attention to carefully prepare for your session, both spiritually and physically.

Can I touch you during the massage?

The session is all about you, so I have clear boundaries for my clients during our time together. This means I do not allow intimate touching. Holding hands or touching my arms or legs up to my knees is ok. Please check My boundaries section.

Do you smoke?


Can I bring a bottle of wine?

Yes, we can share a glass of wine together as part of an extended erotic massage session. It’s a lovely way to get to know each other better and connect before the massage.

Can I have a shower before/after the massage?

Yes, you are more than welcome, I have a lovely shower and I provide a variety of toiletries, fresh towels, hair drier etc.

What is he minimum age to have a tantric massage with you?


Where do you live?

I live 10 minutes from Manchester city centre, in a beautiful private flat. Directions to be given when the appointment is confirmed.

Do you offer any sexual services?

Authentic tantric massage does not include mutual intimate touching, or any sexual interaction.

Authentic tantra is about surrendering yourself to receive without any requirements to give back or perform.  Please don’t insist on more, it would make me feel uncomfortable.

Can I bring you a present, what do you like?

Some of my clients enjoy surprising me with a little gift when they come for a session. I love flowers, especially roses, Jo Malone items (perfumes, candles, bath oils), candles, books (on spirituality, tantra and sexuality) and crystals.

Would you go out with me?

We can have dinner and/or a drink in my flat as part of the erotic tantric massage session. I don’t offer dinner dates at restaurants, overnights, weekends away or holidays.

Do you offer prostate massage?

I am aware of the amazing sensations and health benefits that a prostate massage can have, but I don’t offer it at the moment. This is because I haven’t been trained to do it. I am considering it for the future.

Are you independent?

Yes, I am an independent masseuse.

How often can I come and see you?

The experience can feel so beautiful, that you might want to visit me again in a few days. I suggest leaving at least 4/5 weeks in between the sessions so it will feel like something special to look forward to and it's better for your pocket too.  It also allows other guests to enjoy as I take a limited number of appointments a week.



My boundaries


“Having boundaries is a form of self-love and self-respect.”  ~ Life Wisdom

Having boundaries is having clear and respectful guidelines as how you want to be treated by others. They are necessary in our day to day interactions and essential in my work.

Mutual touching

You will find that most genuine tantric masseuses will have the same code of ethics on mutual touching. Inappropriate touching will not be promoted, advertised or allowed within their sessions.

Holding hands or touching my arms or legs up to my knees is ok as it will create connection during the massage. Touching of the other parts of my body is not allowed for the following reasons:

Authentic tantra is about surrendering yourself to receive without any requirements to give back or perform.

During the sessions, the touching is directed one way and you are invited into the experience of deeply receiving without the need to give anything in return. This is a unique place for people to be because usually in an intimate situation there is often the expectation that sooner or later it will be your turn to reciprocate.

It is in that place, that your body goes through pleasurable and transformational changes. Sessions will produce a deeper intensity of feeling within your body, as you will have moved out of your mind and your performance and into the place of receiving unconditionally and letting go in a state of trust.  

Authentic tantric massage does not include mutual touching or sexual services.

If it's mutual, it can become a “sexual session” – my sessions are sensual and my intention is that you enjoy receiving the benefits of the massage (See Benefits of Tantric Massage) through a blissful practice of my beautiful rituals and touch.

It can distract me

During the experience I often go into another world with my mind, I close my eyes and tune in with your breath, the movements of your body and your energy. I allow my hands and my body to feel your body and go to the places that crave my conscious touch. In order to connect with myself to be able to do this I need to be able to focus, trust completely and don’t get distracted.  Worrying that I could be touched in my intimate areas would break the flow.

Your ideas for the session

I am open to new ideas as long as we discuss them before and they are in agreement with my boundaries.

I don’t offer: kissing, role play, wearing an uniform, dinner dates at a restaurant, overnights, weekends away or holidays.

Please have a look on my website to get a feeling about how I am and what I offer.

Going out with my guests

I always keep a professional relationship with my guests. I am available to offer my sessions in a loving way, but I am not available to fall in love or have a relationship with my guests.

By staying authentic in my tantric practice brings me the right guests who genuinely wish to experience a sensual and blissful tantric and erotic session, rather than a sexual session.