Gratitude, a tool for our well being
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you enjoy it.
Feeling grateful happens sometimes, but we can make a choice to feel it more often. We tend to remember the bad things that happened and spend less time reflecting on the good things. But we can consciously focus to experience gratitude and this can balance out some of the negative stuff.
Research confirms that the simple act of finding 3-5 things that we are grateful for each day, and taking the time to stop and write them down, has a significant effect on our mood, wellbeing and pleasure, within a few weeks!
Even better, this is a practice that takes only a few minutes a day.
It doesn’t have to be big things. In fact, just basic things is best.
Do you have nice food in your fridge?
Are you healthy?
Do you have a pet?
Do you have more time than usually by not travelling to work? (considering you are reading this post during 2020 pandemic)
Are you saving money by not buying coffee / lunch every day?
I have a gratitude journal next to my bed that I use just before going to sleep. This way, the last thing on my mind are the positive things that happened that day. I've been doing it on and off for a few years and sometimes I look back and remember nice moments that otherwise would be forgotten.
So here we go, today I am grateful for:
A lovely conversation I had with a friend.
My healthy and strong body.
The amazing tantric massage I had today and the gratitude message I received from my guest.
What are you grateful for today?
Rosie x